Top In-Demand Jobs in Portugal: A Comprehensive Guide

Top In-Demand Jobs in Portugal: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're a job seeker looking for new opportunities, particularly in Portugal, you might wonder what qualifications and work experience are necessary to find job openings there. Portugal is a beautiful country with a growing job market that offers a wide range of occupations and job listings for both Portuguese speakers and non-speakers. In this article, we'll explore some of the most in-demand careers in Portugal, the economic situation and other factors that influence your move to Portugal. Whether you're looking for full-time or part-time work, internships or entry-level positions, there are plenty of job opportunities available in Portugal for job hunters of all backgrounds.

What jobs are most in demand in Portugal?

To find a job in Portugal, it's important to consider your own qualifications and work experience first. Many job vacancies require Portuguese language skills, particularly in specialized fields like architecture, accounting, engineering, medicine, and law. However, there are still many jobs in Portugal that don't require fluency in Portuguese, particularly in customer service, sales, digital marketing, technical support, and IT sectors. These occupations usually rely more heavily on soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and tech-savviness, which means that you may be able to find work even if you're not fluent in Portuguese.

When it comes to job hunting in Portugal, there are several resources you can use to find job openings and apply for positions. Online job listings and recruitment websites are a great place to start, as are local newspapers and job fairs. You can also reach out to recruiters or staffing agencies in Portugal for assistance with your job search. Additionally, networking with people in your industry or attending professional events can help you make connections and learn about new job opportunities.

Customer Service

Customer service jobs are a great option for expats and foreigners with excellent communication skills. This career path offers opportunities for growth and advancement within a company, as well as a potential for higher pay at other companies in the future. With Portugal's growing economy and the increasing number of international businesses, there are plenty of customer service job openings available.

There is no universal set of qualifications or certifications required for a career in customer service. However, certain skills and attributes are highly valued in this field, such as:

  1. Excellent communication skills: Being able to listen to and empathize with customers, while also effectively conveying information and solutions, is essential in customer service.
  2. Patience and a positive attitude: Dealing with challenging customers and difficult situations can be stressful, so a patient and optimistic outlook can help you stay calm and focused.
  3. Problem-solving skills: You will often be tasked with finding creative solutions to customer problems, so having strong critical thinking skills is important.
  4. Technical knowledge: Depending on the industry, you may need to have a working knowledge of relevant software, hardware, or other technical systems.
  5. Training and certifications: Some companies may require specific training or certifications in areas like conflict resolution, customer service techniques, or industry-specific knowledge.

Overall, a strong focus on customer satisfaction, professionalism, and attention to detail can help you excel in a customer service role. Customer Service jobs in Portugal often require a native level of a European language, but Portuguese skills are mostly not required.


Sales is another career path that is in demand in Portugal. There are a lot of international companies based in Portugal, therefore there are several sales jobs positions available for non-Portuguese speakers. Sales can be a good choice because it’s a job mostly based on soft skills and doesn't necessariñy require Portuguese language skills.

These skills and attributes are highly valued in sales:

  1. Strong communication skills: Being able to effectively communicate the value of a product or service, as well as building rapport and relationships with potential clients, is essential in sales.
  2. Persuasion and negotiation skills: Sales professionals need to be able to persuade and negotiate with customers to close deals and meet sales targets.
  3. Resilience and a positive attitude: Rejection is common in sales, so having a resilient and optimistic outlook can help you bounce back from setbacks.
  4. Industry-specific knowledge: Depending on the industry, you may need to have a working knowledge of relevant products, services, and regulations.
  5. Training and certifications: Some companies may require specific training or certifications in areas like sales techniques, product knowledge, or industry-specific skills.

Overall, a focus on building strong relationships with customers, a results-driven mentality, and a willingness to continuously learn and improve can help you excel in a sales role.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing jobs are a great way to experience the Portuguese working culture. Portugal has a young and energetic workforce, and its digital marketing industry is growing quickly as well. Though you can work in this sector anywhere in the world, it's important to know that there are several things about working in Portugal that make it an attractive option for your career: The country’s economic growth means more companies are hiring more people than ever before Digital media campaigns have become increasingly popular for businesses looking for ways to increase sales or drive traffic online. Portuguese consumers have become more tech-savvy over time, making them easier targets for marketing campaigns.

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field with many different specializations, so the qualifications and certifications required can vary depending on the specific role and industry. However, some common qualifications and certifications that may be helpful in a digital marketing career include:

  1. Bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, or a related field: While not always required, having a degree in a relevant field can provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills.
  2. Digital marketing certifications: Certifications from organizations like Google, HubSpot, or Facebook can demonstrate expertise in specific areas like SEO, social media advertising, or email marketing.
  3. Analytics certifications: Certifications in data analysis tools like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics can demonstrate a strong understanding of web analytics and measurement.
  4. Content creation certifications: Certifications in content creation tools like Adobe Creative Suite or Canva can demonstrate proficiency in creating compelling visual content.
  5. Industry-specific knowledge: Depending on the industry, you may need to have a working knowledge of relevant regulations, platforms, or technologies.
  6. Experience in digital marketing: Having experience in a related role, even if it's not specifically in digital marketing, can be helpful in demonstrating your skills and knowledge.

Overall, a strong understanding of digital marketing principles, a willingness to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and a focus on results can help you succeed in a digital marketing career.

Technical Support

Technical support jobs in Portugal are in high demand, with salaries that are well above average. They're also easy to get: you don't have to be a native Portuguese speaker, but a good working knowledge of the language is certainly helpful. There are a number of different types of technical support jobs available; some companies prefer candidates with previous experience, while others hire entry-level workers.

Therefore, qualifications and certifications required for technical support roles can vary depending on the industry and specific job requirements. Some common qualifications and certifications that may help you land your technical support job can be:

  1. Strong technical knowledge: Technical support roles require a deep understanding of relevant hardware, software, and operating systems, as well as troubleshooting techniques. A degree or specialized training in computer science can be an advantage.
  2. Industry-specific certifications: Depending on the industry, certifications in areas like networking, cloud computing, or cybersecurity can demonstrate expertise and credibility.
  3. Communication skills: Technical support professionals need to be able to effectively communicate technical information to customers who may not have a technical background.
  4. Problem-solving skills: Troubleshooting technical issues requires strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  5. Customer service skills: Technical support professionals need to be able to provide excellent customer service, including active listening, empathy, and a focus on finding solutions.

Overall, a strong technical background, a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, and excellent communication and problem-solving skills are essential for success in a technical support role.

Portugal is a great place to look for an IT job.

Lisbon has evolved into a sort of startup hub during the last five years. As a result, there are more foreigners working in Portugal. The rise of the IT industry is another thing to be aware of regarding the job market in Portugal. The corporate world of IT is relatively new. However, it is one of the English-speaking employment in Portugal that is open to foreigners. In Lisbon's IT sector, there are currently several open positions. Therefore, you might have no trouble finding employment if you work in the IT or social media sectors.

The qualifications and certifications required for IT jobs vary greatly depending on the specific role. Common qualifications that may be helpful in an IT career include:

  1. Bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field: A degree in a relevant field can provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills.
  2. Industry certifications: Certifications from organizations like CompTIA, Microsoft, Cisco, or Amazon Web Services can demonstrate expertise in specific areas like networking, cybersecurity, cloud computing, or programming languages.
  3. Technical knowledge: IT professionals need to have a deep understanding of relevant hardware, software, and operating systems, as well as programming and database management skills.
  4. Communication skills: IT professionals need to be able to effectively communicate technical information to non-technical stakeholders, including managers and end-users.
  5. Problem-solving skills: IT professionals need to be able to troubleshoot technical issues and develop creative solutions to complex problems.
  6. Experience in IT: Having experience in a related role, even if it's not specifically in IT, can be helpful in demonstrating your skills and knowledge.

Overall, a strong technical background, a willingness to continuously learn and improve, and excellent communication and problem-solving skills are essential for success in an IT career.

Current job market and economic situation in Portugal.

Portugal was quite affected by the pandemic and has taken some economic hits. That being said, the country is working hard and recovering at a good pace. The employment rate is rising and so is the number of new jobs (4.7% more jobs in 2022 compared to 2021). The unemployment rate is at its lowest level in 10 years and represents the downward trend that can be seen since 2014. Only around 10% of the registered unemployed in Portugal were foreign nationals, which shows the growing opportunities in the country. For 2023-2024 the continued recovery is expected.

We all know that the salaries in Portugal are still relatively low compared to other European countries. However, the cost of living in Portugal is also quite low, which means that you can still enjoy a high quality of life even on a lower salary. It's also worth considering that Portugal has a very relaxed and laid-back work culture, which may appeal to some job seekers who prefer a more balanced work-life balance.

Overall, finding a job in Portugal can be a rewarding experience for job seekers who are willing to be flexible and open-minded. Whether you're looking for a new job offer or seeking to establish your own business, Portugal offers plenty of job opportunities, a great quality of life, and a rich cultural experience that you won't find anywhere else. So if you're ready to take the leap and start job hunting in Portugal, start by researching the types of jobs available, assessing your own qualifications and work experience, and exploring resources like online job listings, recruitment agencies, and professional networking events.

Have you taken the decision to move to Portugal? Then start your job search immediately. The next step after that is to get your NIF (tax identification number). We have collected all the information on what it is and how to obtain it here.